my meme


So I was supposed to create my own meme. I did. I can’t say that it was the best one, but it definitely fit the occasion. I went with the theme of using some of the song lyrics. “Gotta make my mind up”


At the beginning of this project I had a really hard time trying to decide which meme I was going to choose. I kind of think that this is appropriate for the situation. I have seen so many of these memes that have been kinda funny. Most of them have to do with the ‘gotta make my mind up” theme. One of the other ones the my brother and I both found really funny wasnt exactly the same kind of layout, but was really funny. It had to do with the partyin’ partyin’ thing and it was Rebecca Black’s body but Charlie Sheen’s face.

I think that it is really funny, because of all of Charile Sheen’s bad partyin’ publicity. This kinda makes a statement about Rebecca. It is kind of comparing the two of them. Though I do not think that Rebecca Black would have or attend the same kind of parties as Charlie Sheen. Rebecca Black is in the Katy Perry video “T.G.I.F” in the video is partyin on a Friday night with Katy Perry’s character. These are all different defintions of the word partyin’.

My meme does not really challenge anything or make any statement, it has to do more with the situation that I was in. I am not really good with coming up with anything that is clever or witty. I leave that task to the people around me and I just like to get a good laugh from others. The memes that have to deal with that part of the song are the best. There are others about the day of the week that are kinda good, and some about being so so excited. Overall, I think I enjoy watching the actually video the best. Even though it was taken off the internet and you can’t watch it anymore, I am pretty sure that most of us have already seen it.


9 responses »

  1. I laughed really hard at the Charlie Sheen picture, although it’s possible that it was only because I hate (or strongly dislike for no particular reason) Charlie Sheen.
    Although your meme may not mean anything, I don’t think that really matters. The Rebecca Black song is about nothing, the majority of the memes that are made just make fun of the song. I think your meme is funny for this project and incorporates the Rebecca Black madness. I like it and I laughed. 😀
    Also, I didn’t realize that the video had been taken off of YouTube. Weird.

    • I am definitely not Charlie Sheen’s number one fan.
      I agree that most memes don’t necessarliy have to mean anything. Most memes are made just for humor and not necessarily to spread a message. I did not true to be funny with mine, I just wanted it to relate to me or something I know.

  2. I love this meme simply because I hate Rebecca Black with a passion and the connection between her and Charlie Sheen is funny to me because of the partying. Why is she even semi-famous? I can’t stand people getting into the lavish lifestyle with something retarded, almost like 16 and pregnant. I’m going to solely base this comment bashing Rebecca Black to get it off my chest. I never realized they took the “Friday” video off of youtube and reading this just made my day. I almost feel like that song dumbed down part of America and that’s pretty dangerous considering half of America is already retarded (Not literally, well kind of).

    • She is definitely only famous because the video went viral, and not because of talent. I agree with your 16 and pregnant point, the show is kind of promoting teen pregnancy, which is not a good thing. People in this country don’t understand real talent. The celebrities are seen as role models, which is completely ridiculous. Personally, I can not say that I want to be like any of them. Simply put, I agree that people in America are stupid.

  3. Um i love charlie sheen. Not because he is hilarious, which he is. Not because he is nuts, which he is. I love him because who else in their right mind can get away with talking about nailing hookers, drinking tiger blood, “winning”, snorting various drugs, and THEN on top of all that tell EVERYONE about it. Epic Win! Charlie Sheen is my hero and my idol. 😀

  4. Hahahaha…Charlie Sheen+Rebecca Black. I would never have thought of such a thing. I’m not really sure who is more ridiculous. I guess that’s the point. I still get Friday stuck in my head every time I hear someone mention “It’s Friday…”. After that I’m done for.
    I see and hear people say “winning” about 100 times a day..
    Charlie Sheen might actually BE Rebecca Black or vice versa.

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