wait, what happened?


There are so many times that I will log on to facebook or twitter and see a post about something that happened. For example, my friend posted about the earthquake on the east coast a few weeks ago before I even saw it on the news. Things spread so fast over social media sites. I was looking at my twitter news feed a while back when I saw a lot of posts about praying for a certain country, I can’t remember which one it was at the moment. I actually went and googled to see what had happened. With the internet be so easy and quick to access a lot of the news is reaching to people in different parts of the world at a faster rate. Most of the news I hear about is from social media sites, I can honestly say that I have never gone to cnn.com or foxnews or any news website and actually read stuff for entertainment.

News about a social media site from a social media site. I have a facebook app on my ipod, so I rarely ever get on facebook on my laptop. Recently the newsfeed/setup of facebook changed, though I didn’t notice it. I actually found out about it because all of the people complaining about it over twitter. People are on one social media site complaining about another, talk about crazy stuff.

People are becoming so absorbed into social media sites. Some people are just constantly checking facebook or twitter or whatever. What is it going to help? now you know that someone you barely know is studying for an exam.. great next you are going to look at some pictures of a friend of a friend on vacation.. sounds like a good time.. except not. I don’t really understand how someone can be on facebook so much, it slowly turns your brain into mush! I wouldn’t even say that I look at my facebook that much, and I look at my twitter even less. People will do what they want to do so it doesn’t really matter what I think, but it is all ridiculous.

my meme


So I was supposed to create my own meme. I did. I can’t say that it was the best one, but it definitely fit the occasion. I went with the theme of using some of the song lyrics. “Gotta make my mind up”


At the beginning of this project I had a really hard time trying to decide which meme I was going to choose. I kind of think that this is appropriate for the situation. I have seen so many of these memes that have been kinda funny. Most of them have to do with the ‘gotta make my mind up” theme. One of the other ones the my brother and I both found really funny wasnt exactly the same kind of layout, but was really funny. It had to do with the partyin’ partyin’ thing and it was Rebecca Black’s body but Charlie Sheen’s face.

I think that it is really funny, because of all of Charile Sheen’s bad partyin’ publicity. This kinda makes a statement about Rebecca. It is kind of comparing the two of them. Though I do not think that Rebecca Black would have or attend the same kind of parties as Charlie Sheen. Rebecca Black is in the Katy Perry video “T.G.I.F” in the video is partyin on a Friday night with Katy Perry’s character. These are all different defintions of the word partyin’.

My meme does not really challenge anything or make any statement, it has to do more with the situation that I was in. I am not really good with coming up with anything that is clever or witty. I leave that task to the people around me and I just like to get a good laugh from others. The memes that have to deal with that part of the song are the best. There are others about the day of the week that are kinda good, and some about being so so excited. Overall, I think I enjoy watching the actually video the best. Even though it was taken off the internet and you can’t watch it anymore, I am pretty sure that most of us have already seen it.


muh paper summary


Rebecca Black’s Friday video is well known. Everyone either loves it or hates it. Her heavy use of auto-tone and the outrageous lyrics make it an easy target for jokes. Most of the memes created from this video are about her not being able choose a seat. One of the more popular ones is about how movie theaters stress her out because there are soo many choices. Rebecca is only 13 years old, choosing a seat is a very difficult desicion. Some of the other lyrics such as “partyin’ partyin” have also been targeted. She is 13, what kind of parties is she having? One of the pictures has that text on it, but instead of a picture of Rebecca Black it is Charlie Sheen’s face. A lot of people have created parodys for the video. One of the more well known ones is “Sunday.” I found it to be very funny. The video was actually taken off of youtube because of a supposed copyright law, but I think it was becasue of all the negativity. It was actually the video with the most dislikes on youtube. She doesn’t seem to let the negativity get to her though, which is good.
Gotta Get Down on Friday

yeah, I know that guy


Ed Hightower

He is the superintendent of the Edwardsville school district. I was a part of this district for 12 years, so yeah I know him. Hightower is also a referee for college basketball during March Madness. A couple of years ago, he made a call that not many people were happy about. Due to this people began to take a picture of him and photoshop it into funny situations. I just thought I would share some of them with you. I am pretty sure that this is considered a meme, but I am not for sure because there is no text.

1. the original picture   2. on a speeder bike   3. Oprah’s couch   4. in the bathroom   5. on a giraffe (I had too :))

I doubt that you found these as entertaining at you can appreciate some of the humor.


There are so many things I could tell you about myself, but that doesn’t mean anyone would want to hear it. Hopefully the few things I say are a little bit interesting to you.

I have grown up with 3 sisters and 1 brother. I love that my family is big! I have a personality that is a mix of my mom and my dad. I enjoy shopping with my sisters and mother, but I also enjoy fishing and camping with my brother and father. I have always had to share a room with one of my sisters. We would stay up at all hours of the night talking. If I am fighting with one sister (which never lasts long) I usually complain to another. Sometimes my family really irritates me, but I would never change it.

For the longest time I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Having to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life is nerve-wracking. When I was really little I wanted to be a baker. My mom loved peach cobbler and I told her I would always make it for her. Then I wanted to be a teacher just like my mom. I never wanted to be a computer programmer like my day. No offense to him, but I never really like computers and he complains a lot about his co-workers. Next, I wanted to be a chemical engineer. I would create my own make-up line with perfumes and lipsticks, but that was a no go either. Then I met Mrs. Beal. She was my favorite teacher of alll time! She taught chemistry my sophomore year of high school. After being in her class I knew I wanted to do something in chemistry. I decided that I wanted to teach chemistry to high school students just like Mrs. Beal.

I love giraffes. It is kind of an obsession. I used to name them all, but I got to many and forgot all of the names. My favorite giraffe is a modern wooden looking one. I got it from my aunt for graduation. My first giraffe was a beanie baby one that I got from my mom for my birthday. My biggest giraffe is over 5 feet tall. I don’t remember when or why I started to like giraffes, but I did. Ever since then they have been my favorite, and I think that is one thing about me that will never change. I will always love giraffes.