
There are so many things I could tell you about myself, but that doesn’t mean anyone would want to hear it. Hopefully the few things I say are a little bit interesting to you.

I have grown up with 3 sisters and 1 brother. I love that my family is big! I have a personality that is a mix of my mom and my dad. I enjoy shopping with my sisters and mother, but I also enjoy fishing and camping with my brother and father. I have always had to share a room with one of my sisters. We would stay up at all hours of the night talking. If I am fighting with one sister (which never lasts long) I usually complain to another. Sometimes my family really irritates me, but I would never change it.

For the longest time I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Having to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life is nerve-wracking. When I was really little I wanted to be a baker. My mom loved peach cobbler and I told her I would always make it for her. Then I wanted to be a teacher just like my mom. I never wanted to be a computer programmer like my day. No offense to him, but I never really like computers and he complains a lot about his co-workers. Next, I wanted to be a chemical engineer. I would create my own make-up line with perfumes and lipsticks, but that was a no go either. Then I met Mrs. Beal. She was my favorite teacher of alll time! She taught chemistry my sophomore year of high school. After being in her class I knew I wanted to do something in chemistry. I decided that I wanted to teach chemistry to high school students just like Mrs. Beal.

I love giraffes. It is kind of an obsession. I used to name them all, but I got to many and forgot all of the names. My favorite giraffe is a modern wooden looking one. I got it from my aunt for graduation. My first giraffe was a beanie baby one that I got from my mom for my birthday. My biggest giraffe is over 5 feet tall. I don’t remember when or why I started to like giraffes, but I did. Ever since then they have been my favorite, and I think that is one thing about me that will never change. I will always love giraffes.


One response »

  1. Your professional trajectory (or trajectories) is fascinating and inspiring. I believe that you shouldn’t know what you want to do when you grow up, that you find that out as you go. This focus we have on forcing students to figure out their majors and finish them in four years (which can be quite a commitment). The fact that you have explored so many different paths (all of which sound interesting) is great.

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